Flattening Control

It is known that the larger a project, the greater the chance that it will fail. Excessive content that is not really necessary does not contribute to their success. The temptation to do a lot and sometimes even too much, stems from the pressure to develop newer, faster, bigger, more powerful, more impressive and better products and services, especially in…

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Evaluating Priorities

The priorities of the tasks in the project are not necessarily static throughout the entire project. Therefore, the original priorities must be evaluated periodically and updated as needed. It is inadvisable to wait until the client reports a change, since by that point project resources might have been invested inadvertently in low priority goals, which may lead to progress on…

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Gate Control

‘Gate Control’ is executed at the end of each major stage in the project. This is done by defining certain milestones as gates. Senior organizational representatives are responsible to be the ‘Gate Keepers’; they must authorize the advance of the project to the next stage.The Gate Keeper must evaluate the progress of the project and its status and then decide…

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Goal Control

The goals of the project, as determined in the project compass, begin with goals that are valuable and useful to the client and other stakeholders and end with goals bound by the constraints placed on the project by its ‘Golden Triangle’: content, scheduling, cost and quality. All of the above should be the project manager’s guiding principle throughout control. Goal…

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Controlling Risk

The process of controlling risks involves identifying new risks, updating previously identified risks and monitoring the risk prevention and risk mitigation plans that were established to deal with risks on an ongoing basis throughout the project. The level of impact of the risks assessed may change due to proactive risk mitigation action taken or indirect changes either external or internal…

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