Permits and Approval Controls

Many projects require a variety of authorizations and permits, as well as a-priori approval of the deliverable before any progress can be made on the project. Some of these authorizations and approvals are internal—ones given by managers or other bodies involved in the project. Others are external—ones obtained from bodies that are not related to the organization or project, such…

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Deliverables and Quality Control

The road to the project’s final service or product is often paved with many interim deliverables—each of which must be complete in and of itself, of suitable quality and coordinated with all other deliverables, all while ensuring that: The quality level demanded by the client and primary stakeholders is maintained. The project deliverables are developed according to client specs and…

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Resource Control

Resource Control deals with keeping track of all the resources assigned to the project—specifically, the human resources. This is accomplished by looking at the resources from two directions simultaneously: The tasks to which the resources are assigned (task usage). The project resources used (resource usage). As part of the ‘task usage control process’, verify that all non-milestone and non-summary tasks…

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Routine Task Control

Any project is made up of many different tasks. Some of these are derived from the project content and are included in the work plan. Others are routine, short-term tasks, which are often peripheral to the project itself but that are nonetheless necessary for its completion.These important but peripheral tasks require management and control, too, and can provide significant information…

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Work Plan Task Control

In order to be a useful decision-making tool, the project work plan must reflect the project’s progress and any changes it is undergoing at any given time. Therefore, project control must begin with the tasks and milestones that were defined in the plan. In order to get an accurate picture of the actual progress of the project, those performing control…

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Ongoing Controls

Ongoing controls are the most basic control functions in a project. They are performed continuously throughout the project, whenever there is a formal or informal opportunity to do so. Controls of this type are common to most projects and differ primarily only in the level of detail and frequency required. Here are some well-known ongoing controls that you can perform…

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