Goal Control

The goals of the project, as determined in the project compass, begin with goals that are valuable and useful to the client and other stakeholders and end with goals bound by the constraints placed on the project by its ‘Golden Triangle’: content, scheduling, cost and quality. All of the above should be the project manager’s guiding principle throughout control. Goal…

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Special Controls

Every project requires special control activities now and then, depending on specific needs or if a long time has passed since the matter was last inspected. Control activities of this type are intended to examine the big picture and ensure that the goals of the project are still relevant; the project is steadily progressing towards them; the work priority established…

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Project Control

Planning the project helps to chart a course towards the project goals. Project control ensures that this course is properly followed and the destination remains in sight at all times. Planning the project does not guarantee, in and of itself, that the objectives will be met. In fact, it is the control system that assists in meeting the objectives by…

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