Level Up Your Career!

Say goodbye to boring lectures and expensive courses! Introducing the ultimate digital simulation board game that will transform the way you learn project management.

Become an excellent Project Manager with the PMzone digital simulation game.

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Master Your Projects, One Click at a Time!

Introducing the ultimate online project management game that will revolutionize the way you learn and apply project management skills!

Developed by project management professionals with over 30 years of experience in the field, the PMzone digital simulation game provides players with a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts and key challenges of project management, through an enjoyable, hands-on experience.

Get ready to level up your project management skills!

PMzone Digital Simulation Board Game

Experiential Learning
  • Hands-On Learning: apply knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing practical skills
  • Instant feedback: identify and correct mistakes quickly
  • Risk-Free Learning: a safe environment to experiment and make mistakes without real-world consequences
  • Engaging and Interactive: fun and immersive learning experience
  • Flexible learning: learn at your own pace and on your own schedule
  • Continuous Improvement: collect and analyze performance to refine and enhance the learning experience over time, promoting faster skill development
  • Scalability: can be used for both individual and large-scale training
  • Economical: affordable for everyone

Old Fashion Methods

Traditional Learning
  • Passive Learning: acquiring knowledge through theoretical study, with limited practical application
  • Delayed feedback: identifying and correcting mistakes after a significant time lapse
  • High-risk Learning: an environment where errors can lead to real-world consequences
  • Monotonous and Passive: a dull and unengaging learning experience
  • Rigid Learning: follow a set schedule and pace dictated by external factors
  • Stagnation: lack of assessment and analysis, hindering skill development
  • Limited Scalability: suitable primarily for small groups learning, challenging to adapt for large-scale training
  • Expensive: costly and not accessible to everyone

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Coupon code: cmpgneonov50

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Who are we?

PMzone is a project management consulting company, founded by Hamutal Weisz and Daniel Zitter – two project management professionals with over 30 years of experience in the field.

The PMzone solutions provide all the knowledge and tools required by both experienced and occasional project managers to help you excel in project management.

The PMzone online simulation game revolutionizes the way managers learn and apply project management skills and master the art of project planning and execution, allowing you to stay on track and deliver results even in uncertain environments.

Unlock the power of effective project management with PMzone solutions!

Here are some of the places that use the game

See what some are saying


"It's a brilliant game because it makes you a project manager"


"Wonderful way to bridge the gap between theory and practice!"


"No tricks!"


"Fostering a more effective learning experience"

Master Your Projects, One Click at a Time!

Dive into the world of project management, where strategy and decision-making are the keys to success.

Our immersive game provides a dynamic and engaging platform for both beginners and seasoned professionals to hone their project management expertise while having a blast.

Whether you’re a student looking to gain real-world experience or a professional aiming to sharpen your skills, our online project management game offers a fun and interactive way to master the art of project planning and execution within budget and resource constraints.

Embark on a virtual journey where you’ll tackle real-world scenarios, make critical decisions, and lead projects to success.

Get your 50% NOW

Coupon code: cmpgneonov50

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PMzone Digital Simulator for Organizations and Educational Institutes

Organizations and educational institutions use our simulator to improve the skills of their teams and students in project management. If you are interested in learning how to use our game for group training, don’t hesitate to contact us.



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