Course Category: Book

  • Being a Project Manager Online Course

    37 Lessonsin
    • Being a Project Manager Online Course + Book + Planning Notebook - Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €199.00.
    • The PMzone Project Management Board Game - Train-the-Trainer Kit - Non-Commercial License - 1,997.00
    • Being a Project Manager - Train-the-Trainer Program - Non-Commercial License - 3,498.00
    • PMzone Digital Simulation Board Game + Being a Project Manager Online Course - Original price was: €349.00.Current price is: €149.00.

    Learn the principles of project management, alongside with practical tools and techniques. Get everything you need - and only what you need, in order to be an occasional project manager. 40 lectures, 5 1/2 hours on-demand video, Certificate of Completion.